BVR News

Early Velvet

22 May 2012

Members of the deer family, or cervids, are famous for the antlers that are grown every year by the males...

Project Healing Waters

20 May 2012

PHWFF Patriot Award to Mike Oros! For the past 3 years, Blue Valley Ranch has hosted annual fly fishing tournaments...

Happy Mother’s Day!

13 May 2012

Calving season is wrapping up on Blue Valley.  This is one of the last remaining heifers to calve this year,...

Colorado Highway 9 Safety Project

10 May 2012

Public Meeting on State Hwy 9 Safety Project The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) hosted a public meeting on Thursday,...

Aspen Green-up – Spring 2012

01 May 2012

Aspen Green Up – Spring 2012 Due to the below normal snow pack around most of the state, spring came...

Counting Sage Grouse

28 Apr 2012

Counting Sage Grouse on the Lek   Every year in early spring, Greater Sage Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) males congregate on...

2012 Winter Wildlife Report

02 Apr 2012

2012 Winter Quarterly Wildlife Report The 2012 Winter Quarterly Wildlife Report for Blue Valley Ranch is out! Some highlights include...

River Otters

10 Jan 2012

River Otters Last month our wildlife biologist, Josh, caught these pictures of river otters in the Lower Blue River. River...